Human body temperature can be measured in different parts of our body. The common parts are the ear, the forehead, the mouth, the armpit, and the rectum.
The table below is the normal range of body temperature for adults, teenagers, children, and babies, but everyone’s body temperature is slightly different and maybe a little higher or lower.
4 Common Types of Measurement:
Oral Measurement: Mouth
An oral measurement can be taken as a sublingual measurement (under the tongue). It is the core temperature of our body, but it may affect by the food we ate before we measure. Usually, we should wait half an hour after we eat, drink or smoke. For safety, it is recommended for adults and children who have already attended primary school. The normal oral temperature range is approximately between 35.5 °C and 37.5 °C. Typically, the digital thermometer is used for measuring the temperature under the tongue; however, the hygiene issue is the primary concern.
Axillary Measurement: Armpit
Under different stages of fever, our armpits are at different temperatures.
For example, the presage of a fever, our body surface will be cooling down, and the temperature will not be so high and even lower than normal temperature. And this type of measurement also takes a long time, like 5 minutes. The normal axillary temperature range is approximately 34.7 °C and 37.3 °C. Normally, the Mercury-in-glass thermometer is used for measuring the temperature of the armpit.
Tympanic Measurement: Ear
The most accurate way to measure - using infrared rays to detect the blood flow in vessels in our ear. The average tympanic temperature is usually 0.3–0.6°C higher than an oral temperature. Inserting the tip of the thermometer into the ear canal and the measurement result will be returned in seconds. However, it is usually conducting by clinical staff since it requires professional techniques. Ear Infrared Thermometer is a standard tool for this measurement; however, the hygiene issue is also a key concern because it includes direct contact with the patient.
Skin Surface Measurement: Forehead
The safest way to measure - Using infrared rays to detect the temperature of our skin surface. It is often employed for temperature screening because of its convenience. Also, it is the safest way to measure the patient’s body temperature without actual contact, and the result will be generated in seconds. In this case, when the people to be measured has been infected, using this measurement could help to prevent direct contact with the infectors. The non-contact infrared thermometer is usually applied in this method for household use or temperature screening for individuals in a public area or hospital.
Click to know more about a non-contact infrared thermometer.